
Welcome to my blog where I document our adventures and travels. Hope you have a nice stay!

Janri in London

Janri in London

I’m more than a year behind on uploading photos to my online library! But when I think back to everything that happened over the last 12 months - I am not at all surprised. We bought (and renovated) a house and I also completed the first year of a major public listed entity. And in between there was only fun: skiing in the Alps, Paris, Bordeaux and Portugal. And the Mom’s were in town and the family in law came to visit as well. Phew!

So I thought I would start with my little sister, Janri’s, visit to London. You can’t help but love everything about Little Jan. There is always something to laugh about, she never complains and she came with a list with 20 of the cutest London coffee shops that she wanted to visit. We had to narrow it down of course.

Below are the pictures from Petersham Nurseries, Daylesford, Castle Combe, Sushi Samba, Sketch, the London Eye, Coppa Club, the Van Gogh exhibition at the Tate Modern, the Skygarden, Buckingham Palace and so much more.

She was also with is for her birthday - and for that we got her a Peggy Porschen birthday cake!

What I love about Janri the most is when she just lay next to me and while we binge a series on Netflix. For the second or third time.

She is the best. And I love her just too damn much!

