
Welcome to my blog where I document our adventures and travels. Hope you have a nice stay!



We just got back to our London home (yay!).  So instead of paying the heaps of washing that is staring me in the face some attention, I have decided that adding the photos from this weekend to zeal will be a better investment of my time.  Well, I'm sure I will regret this decision soon. 

It was an incredibly busy month of May. Johnny and I never saw each other. (I haven't been home for more than 10 days (South Africa), and before that he wasn't home for 10 days (South Africa again) - and before that I was in Portugal!) Phew. So not only did this past weekend require some much needed time for us to catch up, but also a desperate need for an extreme amount of chilling.  So when you take the beautiful cliff side bars of Dubrovnik, and you mix it with unlimited Sauvignon Blanc, beautiful beaches and the romantic marble paved streets and red rooftops of the Old Town - you achieve nothing but holiday success! 

This post can also be called "Dubrovnik by iPhone" - because that is exactly what it is.  Below a mix of the photos that were taken with our iPhones without worrying about taking too many photos too much.  Some with my crappy iPhone 7 and others (you can clearly see them) with Johnny's rather incredible iPhone X. 

If you were wondering whether you should make Croatia your next holiday destination - I will definitely recommend it! Kayak for sure. For us that was a highlight.  We regret not having time to do the cable car or the islands - but again, we were not planning to rush anywhere.  If you are looking for a nice meal in the Old Town, definitely try Azur - a stunning Mediterranean / Asian restaurant.

And lastly, London - I'm good with you and only you for at least the next four weeks.   

Janri in London

Janri in London

