
Welcome to my blog where I document our adventures and travels. Hope you have a nice stay!



I have so much catching up to do on photos, but instead of going in order, I decided to start with the most recent - an unforgettable holiday in the French Riviera! 

The first part of our holiday consisted of a road trip, just me and Es. From Nice all along the coast to Marseille. I nearly physically killed myself over a report for a client in the weeks leading up to this holiday - so this was completely well deserved.  So we tackled the coast with an automatic Audi A1 covered by the maximum insurance policy - because the last time I drove was in November 2016 and the last time I drove on the "wrong side of the road" was... never! Me behind the wheel and Es in charge of the GPS. 

I will post photos town by town, and then hopefully you will agree as to why I was blown away by how romantic each little town is with its yachts and cute pastel streets. 

On a side note, and I think it is important for me to write this down.  Not for anyone else to see but for myself.  Because for me, this is what this "online photo library" is all about.  One day I may be miserable and I will look back over these photos in an effort to cheer myself up. Or I may not. But if I do, may this post remind me to have no regrets. And that we are living our best lives right now. We work hard and we play hard. And there is nothing else that we would rather do!  Such a special time with JK, and we often have to pinch ourselves. 


Saint Tropez

Saint Tropez

Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg