
Welcome to my blog where I document our adventures and travels. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Beautiful Cape

The Beautiful Cape


We spent this past weekend in the beautiful Cape of the USA.  Cape Cod.  We rented a car in the City and dared the Friday afternoon traffic.  After a couple of wrong turns we eventually made it out of New York and drove up north to the state of Massachussets. There we discovered beautiful white beaches, blue waters and the neatest, cleanest little coast towns with the most adorable and beautiful houses. Our weekend consisted mostly of eating fried fish and chips, lobster rolls and maybe a boozy lunch followed by some serious napping underneath the sun afterwards... Napping to such an extent that we were referred to as the "most unsocial group of people on the beach" by a woman passing by.    Also, we discovered Taffy.  Almost like "Toffie" in Afrikaans.  In fact - it is everything like "Toffie". But be warned - it is addictive.

There is not really much more to say about the weekend other than that it was great to get out of the City That Never Sleeps even though it was just for two nights.  My immune system thought so too - and decided to leave me with a serious flu to cope with afterwards.

As we were driving towards Manhattan, with the Empire State peaking from behind the freeway boards, someone in the car said "Hello Home"... I was amazed.  This is surreal.

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Tropfest Short Film Festival

Tropfest Short Film Festival

Hello Summer

Hello Summer