
Welcome to my blog where I document our adventures and travels. Hope you have a nice stay!




This past Saturday we went to the Smorgasburg food market on the banks of the East River in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.  Amazing food, amazing views and great company.  The food ranged from Korean, Mexican, Chinese, Fish Tacos, Lemonade, Ice Cream, Dough-nuts, Lobster Rolls, Macarons...and that is only what I could get to taking into account how packed it was with hungry New Yorkers in need for some relaxing in the sun.  For everyone passing through New York this summer, this is a must on a Saturday for lunch.  I think I might just go there every Saturday to quickly grab something.  Here is the link for more information: http://www.smorgasburg.com/about/

And some pictures from our time there on Saturday...

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Hello Summer

Hello Summer

For the love of New York City

For the love of New York City