
Welcome to my blog where I document our adventures and travels. Hope you have a nice stay!

For the love of New York City

For the love of New York City


I was very lucky to have a special friend of mine in town for the past few months.  But I was even luckier for the new friend that I've made.  Together we had brunch almost every Sunday.  The NYC Brunch Club.  And it was always at an exquisite location.  Just like I like it.  They were always keen and well read up about the restaurant by the time we got there. The past few months I received the special gift to see New York through their eyes.  Their amazement and joy.  Their stories.  I saw New York again with the same pair of eyes that I once looked through before al the stress of work and finances took over.  Thank you dearest La and Claire, you made this busy season at work light and you made me release again how blessed I am.  I will miss you so very much.

So, now that I have Tina tears in my eyes, let's go back to the amazing memories that we've made once again this morning.  To celebrate (yes, celebrate!) we decided to end it of at our favorite of favorites.  The NYC Michelin Star PUBLIC.  I was introduced to this jewel by my friend Katryn and it still remains irreplaceable.  The pancakes that Lara cannot stop talking about.  And the smoked salmon and poached egg sandwich that I often dream about when I go to bed with an empty stomach.  Don't forget the unique and arty interior and the very affordable (almost unbelievable) check that you receive at the end.

I love you girls.

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Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms