
Welcome to my blog where I document our adventures and travels. Hope you have a nice stay!

My Favorite Everything

My Favorite Everything


I have a few "things" that I like to call "favorites". To name a few, these "things" would include our farm, jewelry, macaroons, wine, and that lemon meringue pie that my mother makes so deliciously.  And just for in case someone from work was reading this... accounting should be amongst these as well. Today I got to experience a bunch of my "favorite things" in one day - which would lead to me concluding that this was close to the perfect day.  A very good friend which I've known for almost 20 years are visiting New York (favorite #1), we bought a few goodies from the incredible market of Eataly (favorite #2) and spent the rest of the afternoon in Central Park (favorite #3).  A day to never forget - so, as always, I had to post it to the records of cyber space so that these memories may never get lost or forgotten.  Done.

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Memories Forever

Memories Forever

At the Foothills of the Catskills

At the Foothills of the Catskills