
Welcome to my blog where I document our adventures and travels. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon


This weekend while in Las Vegas I had the opportunity to experience one of the seven Wonders of the World, the Grand Canyon.  Before I continue I have to mention how funny it was when I got picked up by a black limousine at 5am in the morning from my hotel.  An entire limo just for myself.  Funny but awkward.  More awkward.  Did I miss a memo or a footnote somewhere on the reservation? To keep things short, we flew to the Grand Canyon by helicopter and on our way we passed Lake Meade and the Hoover Dam.  I couldn't help but notice how blue the water was and as the pilot explained this was due to all the iron in the soil as well as the lava rock from the volcanos that existed there years ago.  Breathtaking.

We were only allowed 15 minutes in the Canyon itself - just enough time for a glass of champagne and a few pictures.  I could actually sit down there all day.  It was so peaceful, quiet and so naturally beautiful.  Unlike Las Vegas, nothing created by man.  But everything created by God.

After I went through all the pictures I took I realized how well these pictures were capturing what I've experienced.  I can almost feel the peace and amazement again just by looking at them.  I was basically speechless.

I'm going to leave this post with the words of John McCain.  He was a United States senator from Arizona:

"I believe in evolution.  But I also believe, when I hike the Grand Canyon and see it a sunset, that the hand of God is there also"

I couldn't agree more.  Below is the Canyon through my eyes - and my lens.

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The Holy City

The Holy City

Lord Ferguson's 30th

Lord Ferguson's 30th