
Welcome to my blog where I document our adventures and travels. Hope you have a nice stay!




Finally my last busy season in the U.S. is over.  And it's safe to say that this past three months has been the hardest of hard that I've worked in my entire life.  We issued our last report the day on which Little Janri and Helene arrived to visit me in New York, and I found myself overwhelmed with excitement but also with a need to catch up on three months worth of sleep.  Nevertheless, with their visit came a bunch of amazing memories and some much needed love.  The two of them have such a special friendship - and having them here was a breath of fresh air.  Never a dull moment for sure. During an incredibly fun day in Soho we came across the Rainbow Wall at the Bowery Mural - which promised for some gorgeous pictures.  Enjoy!

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The Capitol