
Welcome to my blog where I document our adventures and travels. Hope you have a nice stay!

A Holiday Worth Remembering

A Holiday Worth Remembering


Normally the subject of a post like this would be for a holiday spent on some foreign exquisite island or place that not many people get to experience. For me, a summer holiday on the coast of South Africa is exactly that - 'a foreign exquisite place that not many people get to experience', at least, not many non-South Africans. I've started typing this post at 5am on Tuesday morning. I was the first one back and all alone in my apartment in New York. I couldn't sleep anymore - even though I tried very hard to force it with a sleeping pill and all. Whether it was Jet Lag or just the fact that I'm extremely well rested wasn't of mind. All I wanted to do is to get into my time capsule and rewind the past 4 weeks. I wanted to remember every little bit of detail of it and then put what I remember on paper so that I may never ever forget it again.

The warm South African feeling already started at JFK airport when I saw the gigantic South African Airways sign with the colors of our national flag on the side of the aircraft. Is it possible for someone to be so patriotic about a country that's being negatively criticized by International Media so much? But, with me you know something is really touching when the tears come, and that only happened when the air hostess offered me Ceres juice and Valpre water.

On OR Tambo International Airport (Johannesburg) I was welcomed with a "Welcome Back" balloon by Mr. Kritizinger. Something that he swore was not his style but he wanted to get me something "different" since flowers was definitely not going to make the trip all the way down to Cape Town. I spent the rest of the "day of arrival" in a hair salon where my mother nearly jumped on my lap when she saw me and then lunch and tea with my parents and sister afterwards. Later that evening we coincidently met up with a few special friends which was not planned at all and not planning anything just made it so much more special. I was surprised at how much Johannesburg has changed since I've last been there - and when I say "changed" I'm not referring to the fact that the Rand notes are looking different with Mr. Nelson Mandela's face all over them, but really to all the new restaurants that opened. A sense of panic that I'm behind.

The next morning the trip to Cape Town started. For me there was something warm about the 7am Kulula flight from Lanseria Airport. All the Afrikaans people. My mense. "I am home everyone!" 'You can take a girl out of the Afrikaans culture, but you can never take the Afrikaans culture out of a girl' - kind of feeling. Home.

That weekend I witnessed the first amazing wedding of my vacation. The wedding of my beautiful friend from University, Janina Otto, with her soulmate, Lean Boezaart, on one of the most beautiful farms in the Western Cape, Babylonstoren. Everything about this wedding was special, elegant and stylish. I spent the evening catching up with old friends from University, some New York friends and, to my regret the next day, I completely overdid it on the wines of the Western Cape.

Thereafter I spent some quality time with Mr. Kritzinger and his family in the winelands of Franschhoek. Resting and recovering from the tough six months we both had.

Breathtaking surroundings!

New Rand Notes - Mr. Nelson Mandela


Drinking Rose.

Finally we made our way up to the Eastern Cape for the Ball-wedding - the wedding of our special friends Laura Maree and Matthew Ball. During our road trip it was as if I was looking at the beauty of the South African country side with new eyes. Why have I not noticed how breathtaking the Garden Route and the Eastern Cape are before? Perhaps working and living overseas is the recipe for appreciating what you have back home?

We spent the night before the wedding with the Groom at their beautiful holiday home in Kenton on Sea. Time flew by the next morning with a nice long walk on the beach, just catching up on all the chats that we've been missing out on during the past year. I'm speechless when it gets to the Ball wedding and don't really have the words to explain how amazing it is to see two really special friends tie the knot.

Watching the sunset at Oubaai with some wine.

Happy and content.

Too beautiful for words.

The sand dunes at Kenton on Sea.

The beaches of Kenton on Sea.

After the most amazing 10 days of holiday with Johnny, I greeted him not knowing that I was going to be surprised with a visit the day before I flew back. Then it was time for our entire family to be together for the first time in 18 months. Lots of Mommy's food, Sarie and Rooi Rose reading, pampering, Woolies food, "skaap tjoppies" and biltong. My mother made the most unbelievable food for Christmas (pictures below!) and we had loads of fun opening our presents. But mostly during this holiday we just looked after each other a little. We conquered fears, solved problems and motivated each other. Quality time.


The lookout deck at Oubaai - absolutely beautiful!

The man!

My liewe Ma en Pa...


Essa helping with the cooking for Christmas Eve

Starters - Wow Ma!

The Geldenhuys girls...

The main course - Ma se troef kaart.

Daddy's girls...


Koeksister rings... Dankie Es!


My hero.

After a holiday like this I don't really have much more to say. Except that it's true: There is no place like home. There's nothing that can get your head as straight and your heart as true as a loving and caring family can do!

Bring on the tough few working months ahead. I am ready for you. xxx

Winter White

Winter White

Giving Thanks!

Giving Thanks!